We can compare our foundation to the deep roots of a tree. The deeper the roots, the more nutrients and better survival that tree has. Both the house on a good foundation and a very deep rooted tree will remain standing after great storm.
God has called us trees. So your homework is to find out all the benefits of a good and fruitful tree and text that back to me. Please read below:
Psalm 1:1-3
1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
2 but his delight is in the lawb of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a TREE PLANTED by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.