Deuteronomy 22:6-30 (Please read all verses) itemizes dos and donts, how to care for animals around our homes, how to protect ourselves and our homes, and acts of adultery and fornication men and women were stoned to death for under the law.
Thanks be to God our Father who has redeemed us from the curse of the law of sin and death through HIS Son our Lord and Savior JESUS The Christ who has given us a new life and way to live. We are now under grace.
So, being under grace, does that gives us license to sin? No! How else do we truly prove we love God? By keeping and obeying HIS words given to us. Do you intentionally hurt the one you say you love?
Sinning offends and hurts God, the ones we love, and ourselves. It brings shame, loss and diseases, it let’s the enemy into our home to destroy it. Is this truly what we want?
Love God, heal your family and yourself, flee immorality and every appearance of evil, resist the devil and he will flee. Then see joy, love, and peace increase for you in JESUS name, Amen.