Beloved, This was an uncomfortable set of verses to read, but God clearly inspired this and so it is important. But, how is it important to us today? Would you live in a nasty smelly home or sleep in a bed pooped or peed in? There is a connection between cleanliness and godliness. Can you share what you think that connection is?
Deuteronomy 23:10-14
10 “Any man who becomes ceremonially defiled because of a nocturnal emission must leave the camp and stay away all day.
11 Toward evening he must bathe himself, and at sunset he may return to the camp.
12 “You must have a designated area outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself.
13 Each of you must have a spade as part of your equipment. Whenever you relieve yourself, dig a hole with the spade and cover the excrement.
14 The camp must be holy, for the LORD your God moves around in your camp to protect you and to defeat your enemies. He must not see any shameful thing among you, or he will turn away from you.