We know how our children look up to us as heroes, strong protectors, and our wives consider us as defenders and providers of our homes. Good Fathers are proud of their homes, giddy about their wives and children, determined always to bring the best home to the family and more.
If we, who are not yet perfect can do these great things, how much more our heavenly Father who is the true model and standard of Fatherhood. HE. God, is the Father of all fathers. HE is the giver of life, the source of all good things. Fathers, give HIM glory and praise HIM saying Happy Fathers day.
May God give you the strength and courage to lead and shepherd your home. May you be visioned and confident to stay the course, God’s course, and may many blessings flood your home as you obey and foster God’s will on earth and in your homes in JESUS name, Amen!
Happy Father’s Day Sir