Good morning, oh what a Happy Saturday 😁 y’all have a very blessed day and remember the message below and share it with others
Dont Wait, Confess The Lord JESUS As Your Savior Today
Please, Do Not put this off or say I’ll do this later or tomorrow. No one knows when the Lord JESUS will return nor does anyone know when their last day on earth will be. However, you must be ready to secure your eternity in heaven so you do not spend eternity in hell with the devil. So make sure, for you and your immediate family, friends, and neighbors, that you do the following:
1. Believe that the Lord JESUS came as Son of man and died on the cross for our sins and the sins of the whole world
2. Then, believe HE was buried and on the third day HE rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where HE is now seated on the right hand of God The Father
3. Most critically important, you must confess ALOUD, with your mouth, that The Lord JESUS is your Savior.
Once this is done sincerely and truthfully, you are truly saved.
I hope to see you all in heaven. Don’t delay, do this Today, NOW!