Monthly Archives: July 2024

When We Discern We Are Being Tempted To Do Evil, Flee From That Tempter

As children of THE LORD YAHWEH, we know right from wrong, good from evil. As such, when we are invited to be a part of evil, we must decline and, in some cases, literally flee from that tempting situation. Don’t … Continue reading

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Do You Take Others For Granted Or Take Advantage Of Them? YAHWEH”s Children Do Not!

If you have been given access to resources, power and wealth to control and use for good, why would you turn around and abuse that privilege or take advantage of those in your realm because you have authority over them? … Continue reading

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Because We Love And Serve YAHWEH, HE Blesses Even Unbelievers We Work For

Because we belong to YAHWEH and HE blesses the work of HIS children, the employers who employ us and allow us work righteously will be blessed. Remember, YAHWEH said everything we lay our hands upon will prosper. Thus, our employers … Continue reading

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Hold On To The Dream Or Vision YAHWEH Has Given You Even If Folks Hate You For It

As you humbly share the dreams and visions YAHWEH Gives you, don’t share in pride or boastfully. As you do this, don’t be surprised if folks hate you or envy you for it. And don’t let this dissuade you from … Continue reading

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